The video is ampyfying as it is the artsist impression if not a genralisation of people living on the street and taking drugs. However the video has a literal meaning particuarly at the end when its say "angels to fly, angels to die" with a shot of the sky where angels and flying are associated.
Ed sheeran is not the main actor in this video connoting that he wants to be more associated with his music and not the star image.
The video focuses on a young girl and her story with lots of close ups on her face to shjow the emotion on how she feels and how it has effected her. However he makes an appearance buying a big issue of the girl showing he is caring and trying to help people in this situation- which is the point of the song.
The narrative of the story is the spiralling descendent of drugs and the negative effect they have. This is shown by the use of the video being in black and white and connotes how lonely and what a dark place it can be when you do drugs. Many of the shots are joined by jump cuts creating and edgy and jumpy finish connoting the tense unpredictable life she leads and how drugs can effect you.
The mise en scene particuarly the locations are urban, this connotes that these are real places therefore real issues. The establishing shot of her lying on a park bench connotes of lonely she is and gets viewers wondering who she is, and why is there?
Some shots also take place in a high street with the shot sped up connoting that life is passing her by and she is wasting it. Shallow focus is also on her when she is surrounded by people connting that they ignore the issue aswell as the people.
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